CocoCunucu Mojito
This variation of the classic mint-infused mojito, a traditional Cuban punch, contains Yerba di Holé (African basil) with its spicy clove scent, along with cool cucumber, and coconut soda. You will need a wooden muddler or pestle to bruise the herbs and release their fragrance. Substitute Thai basil or sweet basil plus a few sprigs of mint for the Yerba di Holé.
Combine the Yerba di Holé leaves, lime juice, and simple syrup in a Mason jar-style glass. Gently muddle to lightly bruise the leaves. Add the rum, cucumber and 50 ml crushed ice, stirring quickly to chill and mix. Top with Coco Rico. Sprinkle with the coconut, and float the cucumber slice on top.
Yerba di Holé (African Basil)
Also known as clove basil or African basil, this fragrant sweet-spicy basil with the scent of clove has thicker leaves that don’t readily wilt. It is native to Africa, where it is a common kitchen herb, and has been naturalized in the Caribbean.